- Do you know where?
Easier & Powerful
Track your asset and equipment always and forever
Real Time
Know in real time where are your family, pets, vehicle, assets or valuables of any size, with the most powerful platform and devices.
Create geofences and get a realtime notification alert if your tracker leaves or enters an specific area.
Generate reports as drives and stops, travel sheet, overspeed, underspeed, geofence in/out, stops, speed limit, events, service, fuel level, fuel fillings, fuel thefts, Format PDF, HTML, XLS.
Take Control
Set up all your devices speed limit, geo-fences, routes etc, choose more than 40 languages and let the application do the work for you, get peace of mind.
History Report
Get and see all of the locations it has been with detailed address information, speed, and time stops.
Set and receive alerts as push notification, SMS (upon request) and email, get alerts as Geofence, battery life, speed, area in/out (Geo-fence) and maintenance.
Find and Protect your Assets & Equipment
Logixtar Asset Trackers make it quite easy to keep track of the equipment you care about most. it’s important that managers and teams in the construction industry have access to location and behavior data of vehicles, people, tools, and equipment.